WHY CANCER? ISBN:9781370190973; Lateral thoughts on cancer & reproduction.
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Albert Einstein.
Cancer drug helps women to grow more eggs! - journal of human reproduction.
It is an interesting observation for me.
Scientists are probably seeing some link with cancer and reproduction? Growth is a sign of life. If growth leads to death there should be some error somewhere. The drug combination known as ABVD increases ovum production in women; an accidental observation. Generally all drugs given for cancer and radiation affect human reproduction. They often partly or completely destroy ova and sperms, responsible for sexual reproduction. This is because these therapies are destroying both asexual and sexual reproduction.(The antibiotics we take kill both harmful bacteria and the useful bacteria)The new combination of drug seems to destroy selectively only asexual reproduction (cancer). When asexual reproduction is arrested the sexual reproduction can get enhancement indirectly. Nature always wants reproduction and procreation to continue and wants at least one method of reproduction be active in all organisms including humans as far as possible even in old age! Nature tries various techniques to encourage procreation and seems to give a lot of importance to future generations. Nature even sacrifice the present for a better future in certain species of Australian spiders & Praying mantis (sexual cannibalism).In nature's hands organisms are only carriers of DNA to next generation.
When a rose plant grows the older branches bend down and touch the soil. When the bark is damaged due to frequent rubbing with soil roots emerge and gradually a new plant is formed by asexual reproduction. Suppose the gardener cuts the old overhanging branches preventing the asexual reproduction, more flowers shall be blooming from the young branches arising from the cut end, in an attempt for sexual reproduction. In spite of increase in number of flowers, this attempt fails because of genetic deficiencies in the rose plant for sexual reproduction. We can expect that similar events shall occur in humans also . But our genetic deficiency is not in sexual reproduction, but in asexual reproduction. Hence when sexual reproduction is stopped, restricted & blocked, the inefficient asexual reproduction gets activated as in old age. The old branches of plants and old men/women go for asexual reproduction while young branches and young men/women go for sexual reproduction! Reproduction is a very important function in nature and all efforts shall be made to achieve it. Perhaps the only living organism which suppress the normal reproductive instinct & reflexes and consider it as a great achievement is humans.
Interestingly some of the medicines we use to treat infertility in women can induce cancer of ovaries. Perhaps our attempts to stimulate sexual reproduction are also stimulating asexual reproduction - the cancer!
Increased risk of cancer among azoospermic men -- Fertility and sterility. Eisenberg, M.L. etl. (2013)
The authors have observed 2.2 fold higher cancer risk for azoospermic men & thought that it was due to possible common etiology. But it need not be due to the common etiology. We know that undescended testis does not have a common etiology as cancer. But they do develop cancer - the atavistic asexual reproduction.
Another article in fertility & sterility shows the increasing risk of cancer stomach and testicular cancer in men with Peyrone's disease and erectile dysfunction. Here is one more instance of mother nature's attempt to compensate for loss of sexual reproduction.
Cellular (Molecular) level proof?
Cancer cells break the most basic rules of behavior by which multi cellular organisms are built and maintained. And they exploit every kind of opportunity to do so. ( Albert B Johnson et. all Molecular biology of cell. 2002)It means that cancer cells behave like the unicellular organisms like amoeba in multiplication - the binary fission of unicellular organisms.
Even in the presence of oxygen the cancer cells use a less efficient method of energy generation, the glycolysis used by unicellular organisms like yeast. They do not use phosphorylation technique like the multi cellular organism. Cancer cells can eat another small cancer cell, similar to the amoeba eating small bacteria.
Interestingly a gravid uterus and a growing cancer are highly vascular without any inflammation, because reproductive process need lot of nourishment.
The p53 cancer suppressor gene while suppressing the defective asexual reproduction process also correct the errors in sexual reproduction. The gene is known as a cancer killer gene . But in fact it is a reproduction regulating gene and in that process cancer cells are destroyed. This gene is responsible for prevention of birth defect like spina bifida.
Cancer cells have large nucleus life the sperms! There are several similarities between embryo genesis & oncogenesis.
Ageing process can be reversed in mice - Journal Cell.
In fact in our own body at cellular level ageing process is reversed everyday during the growth process. When an old cell divides to form two young cells both do not have the old age characters of the extinguished mother cell, but are having young cell characters. Similarly when amoeba undergo binary fission the ageing is reversed. If we can have an evolutionary through back and get this primitive reproductive process incorporated for multi cellular organism they also can reverse ageing process! Once all the cells are made young the organism becomes young! The serum level of apoptosis inhibitor protein survivin is high cancer patient, because the body is attempting to prevent death of cells. In fact cancer seems to be an attempt for extension of life not for extinguishing life. It is not really a growth dis order but a multiplication disorder producing abnormal cells having some of the qualities of sperms. Successful genetic manipulation for achieving binary fission in humans and restarting life from child hood can solve many health problems we are facing to day.
Death due to cancer is increasing every year.
Today the number of cancer death is more than the number of deaths caused by AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis combined together! (9.6 million proved cancer deaths in 2017) Interestingly in spite of all the 'preventive' measures taken by a highly aware and cancer conscious population, the incidence of cancer and death rate due to cancer are increasing. The cancer phobic people get their organs (often reproductive & sex organs because more than 70% of cancer occur in these organs) removed before development of cancer in those organ. But still the incidence of cancer go on increasing while the human reproductive rate is going down every year. Obesity is also increasing in the population . And obesity is linked to cancer as well as sterility & impotence. According to an American survey there is sex recession in USA. Besides this life expectancy is increasing everywhere because of better health facility along with economic development. Why cancer death rate is increasing in spite of early detection and better treatment? There is something wrong with the current concepts about cancer itself. There seems to be a link between falling reproductive rate and cancer. There is a huge reduction in attempts for reproduction (sex) as well as actual reproduction. Humans priority for sex and reproduction is much below that of the games like cricket, sports, cinema, personal hobbies, money making, education, skill development etc. There are strong promoters for all these activities, but hardly any promoter for sex at home. Many people think children are not assets, but liability. Nature reacts to all our birth blocking devices and activities by trying other methods for procreation. Cancer can be explained as a manifestation of atavism due to the changed environment. We know that if we block any natural process nature shall try another route / method to achieve the objective. 'Sex recession' can produce 'cancer inflation'. Desire and sexual reflexes are often suppressed. (If we block the sun light to a plant from one direction the plant shall go to another direction. when the oxygen concentration of the air we breath reduces our blood increase its capacity to carry oxygen. When water intake is poor we pass concentrated urine reducing the water content in urine etc. When we block the reproduction in bacteria with drugs they develop mutations for alternate method of reproduction.)
We know that cancer is not an ordinary disease. Perhaps we can call it as an inborn error of asexual reproduction! We have the inborn errors in anatomy like accessory mammary glands in the milk line (3rd & 4th breast in the axilla) It is well known fact that we inherit several characters, partially or fully, from other living organisms. Binary fission is the reproductive process of amoeba and many other unicellular organisms. We have partially inherited it and it harms us. We have vestigial organs like appendix and coccyx occasionally giving painful diseases. Here is a vestigial process giving rise to life threatening disease - cancer. (Similarly we have a vitamin c synthesis gene, but it is non functioning.)
Today cancer is a frightening word. It is like a heavy rain producing devastating floods in our life. We thought rain is bad and as children sang 'rain rain go away'. Now we know rain is not such a bad thing. So is cancer or asexual reproduction. When cancer is not treated, this heavy shower of new cells kill us. But, is formation of new young cells a bad concept? Is it done with a good intention to save us or with a bad intention to kill us? Why there is reactivation of telomerase enzyme in cancer cells? Converting these young cells to a young individual is something with in the capabilities of our scientist! I am sure they shall do it soon to save mankind and develop duel reproductive capability. We have enough stem cells in our body to develop the process of binary fission.
The Hindu mythology describe the process of an adult God becoming (transforming) a young child to eliminate the benevolent king of Kerala, Mavely. ( From the story of Onum festival) In nature we see a fatty caterpillar transforming to a light weight butterfly. By binary fission it is possible to become two mirror image children out of one adult. Obesity is an important risk factor for 13 types of cancers. Obesity may be a preperation for cancer.If you closely observe 'caterpillarisation' could be seen before development of certain cancers!
In an adult body usually growth is for repair and once repair is achieved growth stops. In cancer growth is for reproduction. Since this could not be achieved, growth and attempt for reproduction continue. And unfortunately this is leading to death of the person by the invasion of the fast multiplying cells attempting for asexual reproduction. There are several direct and indirect evidence to prove that cancer is a failed asexual reproduction of humans. It was noticed that "many of the hallmarks of cancer are reminiscent of unicellular life, suggesting that neoplasm represents a type of through back or re-expression of ancestral trait". (Kimberly J Bussey. et.all). Interestingly the human immune system knows that cancer is an attempt for asexual reproduction -- a very important function of a living organism. It is not an external attack . Hence the protective immune system shall do nothing . The immune 'dog didn't bark'.
Why Cancer ? in Indian Medical Association News Letter. |
Albert Einstein.
Cancer drug helps women to grow more eggs! - journal of human reproduction.
It is an interesting observation for me.
Scientists are probably seeing some link with cancer and reproduction? Growth is a sign of life. If growth leads to death there should be some error somewhere. The drug combination known as ABVD increases ovum production in women; an accidental observation. Generally all drugs given for cancer and radiation affect human reproduction. They often partly or completely destroy ova and sperms, responsible for sexual reproduction. This is because these therapies are destroying both asexual and sexual reproduction.(The antibiotics we take kill both harmful bacteria and the useful bacteria)The new combination of drug seems to destroy selectively only asexual reproduction (cancer). When asexual reproduction is arrested the sexual reproduction can get enhancement indirectly. Nature always wants reproduction and procreation to continue and wants at least one method of reproduction be active in all organisms including humans as far as possible even in old age! Nature tries various techniques to encourage procreation and seems to give a lot of importance to future generations. Nature even sacrifice the present for a better future in certain species of Australian spiders & Praying mantis (sexual cannibalism).In nature's hands organisms are only carriers of DNA to next generation.
When a rose plant grows the older branches bend down and touch the soil. When the bark is damaged due to frequent rubbing with soil roots emerge and gradually a new plant is formed by asexual reproduction. Suppose the gardener cuts the old overhanging branches preventing the asexual reproduction, more flowers shall be blooming from the young branches arising from the cut end, in an attempt for sexual reproduction. In spite of increase in number of flowers, this attempt fails because of genetic deficiencies in the rose plant for sexual reproduction. We can expect that similar events shall occur in humans also . But our genetic deficiency is not in sexual reproduction, but in asexual reproduction. Hence when sexual reproduction is stopped, restricted & blocked, the inefficient asexual reproduction gets activated as in old age. The old branches of plants and old men/women go for asexual reproduction while young branches and young men/women go for sexual reproduction! Reproduction is a very important function in nature and all efforts shall be made to achieve it. Perhaps the only living organism which suppress the normal reproductive instinct & reflexes and consider it as a great achievement is humans.
Interestingly some of the medicines we use to treat infertility in women can induce cancer of ovaries. Perhaps our attempts to stimulate sexual reproduction are also stimulating asexual reproduction - the cancer!
Increased risk of cancer among azoospermic men -- Fertility and sterility. Eisenberg, M.L. etl. (2013)
The authors have observed 2.2 fold higher cancer risk for azoospermic men & thought that it was due to possible common etiology. But it need not be due to the common etiology. We know that undescended testis does not have a common etiology as cancer. But they do develop cancer - the atavistic asexual reproduction.
Another article in fertility & sterility shows the increasing risk of cancer stomach and testicular cancer in men with Peyrone's disease and erectile dysfunction. Here is one more instance of mother nature's attempt to compensate for loss of sexual reproduction.
Cellular (Molecular) level proof?
Cancer cells break the most basic rules of behavior by which multi cellular organisms are built and maintained. And they exploit every kind of opportunity to do so. ( Albert B Johnson et. all Molecular biology of cell. 2002)It means that cancer cells behave like the unicellular organisms like amoeba in multiplication - the binary fission of unicellular organisms.
Even in the presence of oxygen the cancer cells use a less efficient method of energy generation, the glycolysis used by unicellular organisms like yeast. They do not use phosphorylation technique like the multi cellular organism. Cancer cells can eat another small cancer cell, similar to the amoeba eating small bacteria.
Interestingly a gravid uterus and a growing cancer are highly vascular without any inflammation, because reproductive process need lot of nourishment.
The p53 cancer suppressor gene while suppressing the defective asexual reproduction process also correct the errors in sexual reproduction. The gene is known as a cancer killer gene . But in fact it is a reproduction regulating gene and in that process cancer cells are destroyed. This gene is responsible for prevention of birth defect like spina bifida.
Cancer cells have large nucleus life the sperms! There are several similarities between embryo genesis & oncogenesis.
Ageing process can be reversed in mice - Journal Cell.
In fact in our own body at cellular level ageing process is reversed everyday during the growth process. When an old cell divides to form two young cells both do not have the old age characters of the extinguished mother cell, but are having young cell characters. Similarly when amoeba undergo binary fission the ageing is reversed. If we can have an evolutionary through back and get this primitive reproductive process incorporated for multi cellular organism they also can reverse ageing process! Once all the cells are made young the organism becomes young! The serum level of apoptosis inhibitor protein survivin is high cancer patient, because the body is attempting to prevent death of cells. In fact cancer seems to be an attempt for extension of life not for extinguishing life. It is not really a growth dis order but a multiplication disorder producing abnormal cells having some of the qualities of sperms. Successful genetic manipulation for achieving binary fission in humans and restarting life from child hood can solve many health problems we are facing to day.
Death due to cancer is increasing every year.
Today the number of cancer death is more than the number of deaths caused by AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis combined together! (9.6 million proved cancer deaths in 2017) Interestingly in spite of all the 'preventive' measures taken by a highly aware and cancer conscious population, the incidence of cancer and death rate due to cancer are increasing. The cancer phobic people get their organs (often reproductive & sex organs because more than 70% of cancer occur in these organs) removed before development of cancer in those organ. But still the incidence of cancer go on increasing while the human reproductive rate is going down every year. Obesity is also increasing in the population . And obesity is linked to cancer as well as sterility & impotence. According to an American survey there is sex recession in USA. Besides this life expectancy is increasing everywhere because of better health facility along with economic development. Why cancer death rate is increasing in spite of early detection and better treatment? There is something wrong with the current concepts about cancer itself. There seems to be a link between falling reproductive rate and cancer. There is a huge reduction in attempts for reproduction (sex) as well as actual reproduction. Humans priority for sex and reproduction is much below that of the games like cricket, sports, cinema, personal hobbies, money making, education, skill development etc. There are strong promoters for all these activities, but hardly any promoter for sex at home. Many people think children are not assets, but liability. Nature reacts to all our birth blocking devices and activities by trying other methods for procreation. Cancer can be explained as a manifestation of atavism due to the changed environment. We know that if we block any natural process nature shall try another route / method to achieve the objective. 'Sex recession' can produce 'cancer inflation'. Desire and sexual reflexes are often suppressed. (If we block the sun light to a plant from one direction the plant shall go to another direction. when the oxygen concentration of the air we breath reduces our blood increase its capacity to carry oxygen. When water intake is poor we pass concentrated urine reducing the water content in urine etc. When we block the reproduction in bacteria with drugs they develop mutations for alternate method of reproduction.)
We know that cancer is not an ordinary disease. Perhaps we can call it as an inborn error of asexual reproduction! We have the inborn errors in anatomy like accessory mammary glands in the milk line (3rd & 4th breast in the axilla) It is well known fact that we inherit several characters, partially or fully, from other living organisms. Binary fission is the reproductive process of amoeba and many other unicellular organisms. We have partially inherited it and it harms us. We have vestigial organs like appendix and coccyx occasionally giving painful diseases. Here is a vestigial process giving rise to life threatening disease - cancer. (Similarly we have a vitamin c synthesis gene, but it is non functioning.)
Today cancer is a frightening word. It is like a heavy rain producing devastating floods in our life. We thought rain is bad and as children sang 'rain rain go away'. Now we know rain is not such a bad thing. So is cancer or asexual reproduction. When cancer is not treated, this heavy shower of new cells kill us. But, is formation of new young cells a bad concept? Is it done with a good intention to save us or with a bad intention to kill us? Why there is reactivation of telomerase enzyme in cancer cells? Converting these young cells to a young individual is something with in the capabilities of our scientist! I am sure they shall do it soon to save mankind and develop duel reproductive capability. We have enough stem cells in our body to develop the process of binary fission.
The Hindu mythology describe the process of an adult God becoming (transforming) a young child to eliminate the benevolent king of Kerala, Mavely. ( From the story of Onum festival) In nature we see a fatty caterpillar transforming to a light weight butterfly. By binary fission it is possible to become two mirror image children out of one adult. Obesity is an important risk factor for 13 types of cancers. Obesity may be a preperation for cancer.If you closely observe 'caterpillarisation' could be seen before development of certain cancers!
In an adult body usually growth is for repair and once repair is achieved growth stops. In cancer growth is for reproduction. Since this could not be achieved, growth and attempt for reproduction continue. And unfortunately this is leading to death of the person by the invasion of the fast multiplying cells attempting for asexual reproduction. There are several direct and indirect evidence to prove that cancer is a failed asexual reproduction of humans. It was noticed that "many of the hallmarks of cancer are reminiscent of unicellular life, suggesting that neoplasm represents a type of through back or re-expression of ancestral trait". (Kimberly J Bussey. et.all). Interestingly the human immune system knows that cancer is an attempt for asexual reproduction -- a very important function of a living organism. It is not an external attack . Hence the protective immune system shall do nothing . The immune 'dog didn't bark'.
If you closely observe there are lots of evidence as well as negative facts (absence of expected fact) to prove the reproductive link of cancer in human system and they are elaborated in the book "Why Cancer". 'Why cancer' tries to explain many unexplained observations about cancer, including the occasional spontaneous cure of cancer & the Peto's paradox. In the human life span the 'reproduction free period' is increasing day by day due to human intervention in the natural reproductive process and abnormal extension of the old age segment of human life. The mysteries of cancer can be unfolded with the new hypothesis. I consider cancer a genetically unstable growth promoted by the gametogenic genes, evolved while attempting asexual reproduction by mutations and is seen often when sexual reproduction is stopped as in old age. Wherever the fertility rate is below world average cancer rate is above world average.
Journal publication: Cancer :The asexual reproduction hypothesis was published in the Journal of International Medical Science Academy 2020. 33(1): 37-39. www.imsaonline.com
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