Life time achievement award from Cochin Ophthalmic club & Kerala Society of Ophthalmic Surgeons to Dr. Ittyerah Tholath.

Life time achievement award (2007)  from C.O.C. &  Life time achievement award  (2014) from K.S.O.S.  to the author of " Eye doctor out of the box".
Dr.Ittyerah , past president of KSOS received the award  during the annual conference at Trichur 



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Ponnada from L.F.Hospital to Dr.Ittyerah Tholath

Doctors day L.F.Hospital 2017 - Ponnada from Director & Flowers from HOD.Ophthalmology.
Little Flower Alumni meeting. "Eye doctor out of the box"
A golden recognition from colleagues & students.  


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YOUNG FOR EVER - Book review of "Eye doctor out of the box" - The week Feb.9. 2014.
                         Addressing rotary club of  Cochin Harbour " young forever"                         https//

            The book review of Eye doctor out of the box was published in the popular national magazine THE WEEK dated 9/2/2014.

         Eye doctor out of the box
 , ISBN 9781301878284 is  the first e book published by the author. The book was send for publication from Australia to smashwords USA on 13th January 2013 and got it published on 12th January 2013! What is apparently impossible is really possible.  If a wingless human can imagine of flying in the sky like an eagle and achieve more than that, young forever is a real possibility.

 Bewitching BHU, ISBN: 9781370165988 is the second book, with a totally different content. It describes the genuine experience of the author in his attempt to get admitted for post graduate course in Ophthalmology at the Institute of Medical sciences of  Banaras Hindu University, in Varanasi, a very old unique city in India.

Why cancer? ISBN: 9781370190973 is the third e book where in the author is trying to establish the real reason for development of cancer, especially in the elderly persons. The creative thoughts on cancer in this book  is bound to make a lot of discussion on the mechanism  of cancer  formation. It contains several references to prove that cancer is the outcome of a failed attempt for asexual reproduction process.


Odda Days ( The Norwegian Nostalgia ) . ISBN: 9781005616084 is the fourth  e book published. It is a small book  describing the thrilling  train journey through Europe and stay at Odda, a small beautiful town in Norway, refreshing old memories with his cousin brother Mr. Ittyera and family.      


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Can we eliminate age related blindness? Is age the non modifiable risk factor?

Remain young & escape from death!

We know that prevention of eye disease  is better than cure. The bulk of eye diseases is age related; cataract being the number one eye disease directly related to ageing process. The incidence of cataract  and  the number of surgeries done for cataract  are increasing every day because  the life expectancy is increasing  and the indications for cataract surgeries are modified to suit the modern life style. The aggressive style of tackling cataract has created a situation where   almost everybody will be going to the grave with two intra ocular lens in their eyes, like the ancient Romans going to the grave with two coins kept on their  eyes for the boat man. The management of cataract has been revolutionized from a refined Indian couching to blade less refractive phaco surgery with accommodative intraocular lens.
Generally we doctors and health professionals  work hard to eliminate diseases and if possible eradicate them  from the surface of globe. We have eradicated small pox , polio etc and reduced the incidence of the  killer diseases like plague, rabies, cholera, diphtheria, typhoid etc. As far as age related diseases are concerned all our attempts for  good health care have increased life expectancy. The final result is the increase in diseases like cataract, diabetic retinopathy, age related macular degeneration, osteoporosis ,  adult cancers etc. This is a paradox in health care. Along with longevity  , age related diseases also increase. We consider increased life expectancy as a good health parameter showing the progress of that country. A higher  life expectancy  in a country means,  the population is  more progressed and the country is more developed. In other words, a country having the higher incidence of age related diseases is   considered as a more progressed state! Kerala is one such state in India now, progressed  in health parameters with  higher incidence of age related diseases! We go on increasing our life expectancy at any cost. We believe that  the higher the life expectancy or longer we live,  the better we are. We often wish people long life. Nobody says how long. There is no optimum life expectancy. Imagine a life expectancy of thousand years as envisaged by Mr. Aubrey de Grey. Even if we transplant and replace many organs the brain transplant shall be difficult. Same is true about visual pathways. The quality of life in this extended old age shall be often poor with dementia and degeneration of nerves tissue. Even with a life expectancy of below hundred years we are going to get an Alzheimer’s epidemic. Do we have an alternative to this extension of old age and resultant growth of age related diseases including eye diseases? As far as the major age related  disease (cataract) responsible for avoidable blindness is concerned we can prevent blindness perhaps  by removing the cataracts  before they  produce blindness. (We know that  in olden days usually cataract surgery was done to cure blindness, but now- a- days  often it is done for prevention of blindness.)  But this is not possible in the case of diseases like age related macular degeneration. Appropriate nutritional support with anti oxidant agents and avoidance of use of tobacco and other toxic substances  to some extend prevent the occurrence of age related macular degeneration. But those who have the genetic predisposition the disease do develop when age advances. Similarly  now- a- days our diabetic patients  are  living longer than their predecessors of  last  century because of  better facilities for sugar control. We know that the diabetic age is an important risk factor for diabetic blindness. We should remember that even if the eyes are functioning reasonably well, if the occipital cortex and visual pathways are not working well due to age related problems, the elderly person cannot see. The sure and certain remedy for these types of diseases is avoidance of the occurrence of old age itself. As it stands today  the simple, certain  and easy  option for achieving it  is to die before the old age diseases start appearing! But this is not acceptable. Do we have any other option to prevent the epidemic of senile dementia and growing number of other geriatric diseases including blindness?
Infant  mortality rate is another important health parameter to assess the health and prosperity of a nation. All developed nations have low infant mortality rate. The lower the infant mortality rate the better that country is. When the infant mortality rate is reduced, we shall see that many premature children with multiple congenital anomalies   are surviving. Many children with serious congenital heart & brain diseases survive because of excellent neonatology care. The hospitals compete to improve and upgrade the NICU to  level four and are capable of even doing major surgery on these feeble infants for congenital heart disease etc. Their neonatal care facility is really advanced and a child born after 23 or 24 weeks of gestation with multiple developmental anomalies and organ defects can survive often with complications,  at a huge expense involving lot of skilled manpower and sophisticated  machines. With such advanced facilities soon we can reach a zero infant mortality rate! Nobody says  how much is the optimum infant mortality rate. Let us see what happens if the infant mortality rate is zero. We will have many unhealthy, physically handicapped, mentally retarded  and incurably deaf & blind children. Kerala is also moving in this direction with rapidly reducing infant mortality rate. Perhaps  soon our blind schools  authorities  will start  demanding  good capitation fee for admission! Our infant mortality rate is reducing day by day. Do we really need a very  low infant mortality rate with high number of invalid subnormal blind children ? How are we going to prevent multiple congenital anomalies  in children ? Even with early detection and treatment of ROP many children with severe form of the disease remain severely  visually handicapped. The easy solution is to allow the severely  unhealthy infant to die. Many countries are making legislation for euthanasia not only in  the elderly patients but also among  young children & infants. But is it ethically acceptable ? Do we have an alternative option to have good healthy children and young population.
Meetings , where the  intellectuals, social activists , doctors  and public health leaders assemble and actively discus current issues in health management  are  good venues  to evolve solutions to these peculiar problems arising out of development of  better health parameters, an agony of progress. The vision of  the vision 20/20 group of health professionals and associates to eradicate avoidable blindness is great. The poor countries have one type of problem which can be solved with money and education. But the problems of the rich countries with better health parameters are  more difficult to solve. Blindness can be avoided by eliminating the birth and survival  of the blind child ! Blindness can be also avoided by reducing the ‘abnormally’ high life expectancy! Should we have an unhealthy population with good health parameters ? Should we have healthy population with not so good health parameters? Should we have a healthy population and  good health parameters?  What is the optimum life expectancy and what is the optimum infant mortality  to prevent blindness and other physical and mental  disabilities? There is a group of  blindness  related to prolonged life expectancy and zero infant mortality rate. How do we avoid this type of blindness?
We know that as time passes on, changes are inevitable . You and I have changed, and our thoughts have changed. Our right and wrong have changed. Our style of surgery and management of diseases have  changed. Diagnostic techniques and  protocols in disease management have changed. We have changed one living person’s blood with another living person’s blood, we have changed a living person’s cornea with a dead person’s cornea, and we have even changed  a living person’s diseased heart ,  with a brain dead person’s beating healthy heart. Yet we need many more things to be changed. What we need today  is to correct the paradoxes in life expectancy and infant mortality rates and  changes in birth and death. The process of  birth and death in humans have remained constant for such a long time that they need change. Many people think that nobody can change birth and death. People are in fact scared to think about change in birth and death because of the great influence of the religions sponsoring the imaginary souls to heaven after death and inducing souls to the new born infants heart  before the children  are born. More than fifty percentage of population believe that after death they can send their souls to heaven through the religious route. In this situation  do you think birth and death can be changed without objections from religion? I do not ignore the fact that  we have changed the natural birth by doing caesarian section and temporarily saved people from molecular death by reviving cardiac death patients. But we need some change beyond this for the people to live long with good quality of life.Retaining the old we can build a new method for by passing death. As you all  know "the secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old,but on building the new"
When we fix very high  goals which  are difficult  to achieve, often ‘out of the box’ thoughts evolve, because conventional methods cannot achieve such  goals. Solutions to many health problems are  complex and not as easy as treating a bacterial infection or nutritional deficiency. Genetic manipulation is the latest  treatment methodology evolving in health care domain and is being tried successfully in solving many recalcitrant health problems. There are several health problems still unsolved. When we find the solution is difficult the best method is to try again and again with different routes to reach the desired destination or solution. A pessimistic view that it cannot be solved is not acceptable and is a retrograde step in the progress of humanity. Many of our achievements in health science have evolved over a period of time because of  the  repeated attempts of intelligent committed  persons. If you can enjoy science fiction and are receptive to  out - of - the - box thinking  there is an E. book for you ;  named “ Eye doctor out of the box” ISBN: 9781301878284. In this book you may find unusual and unconventional answers to some of the questions raised.The Immortality series consists of Eye doctor out of the box and Why cancer? You may find a theoretical solution to the geriatric problem in these books . The books  can be easily accessed through  and can be downloaded  to  your PC or smart phone in a format of your choice.
Please  just do not close your eyes when you face  giant  difficult  problems like epidemic of Alzheimer’s disease & growing number of children with multiple congenital defects. Once these things happens we can perhaps  derive satisfaction and relief in getting  consoled by  priests highlighting  the old  religious  beliefs & faith. But we should realize that  however difficult  the problems are to solve , real solutions to the problems are much better than the consolation following  the  miserable  outcome due to the present mode of procreation by birth and death. I feel that the time for the idea of asexual reproduction for humans has come.
  “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve” ( Napoleon Hill.)

*Published in the souvenir of vision 20/20 conference 2014  Angamaly.
Aborted sexual reproduction!


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The interview published in KSOS News letter.

The interview published in KSOS news letter.

                                       (K.S.O.S. - Kerala Society of Ophthalmic Surgeons.)

smashwords interview:


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'Eye doctor out of the box' . ISBN:9781301878284. Change birth & death!                                                                             Eye Doctor 'Out of the box'

 "Invention is not the product of logical thought, even though the final product is tied to a logical structure"-- Albert Einstein

By Dr. Ittyerah Tholath. Rating: Not yet rated. Published: Jan. 12, 2013 Words: 27,773 (approximate)Language: English ISBN: 9781301878284 . Now the book is free for down load.
Short description This is a harmonious fusion of imagination with knowledge -- An ‘Out of the box’ idea to tame cancer, ESCAPE FROM OLD AGE, AND DEATH.  Here is a better substitute for longevity and old age extension. In nut shell the author envisages a smart remedy for the triple tragedies of human life by way of binary fission, an additional method of reproduction.(Many organisms have more than one method of reproduction)
Book reviews: ‘THE WEEK’ dated FEB. 09, 2014 & KERALA JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY, MARCH 2014. 

Change is inevitable - birth and death are over due for a change! The aim is   LIVE YOUNG & LIVE MORE THAN ONCE!!
Access; search engines: google web search; YAHOO web search; & Microsoft Bing. LINK: www down load format: kindle, EPUB, PDF, RTF,PDB or plain text.      -     

Today , 4th Feb. is cancer day.  Here are Some lateral thoughts on Cancer. Cancer is considered to be  growth for the sake of growth (growth disorder). The fact is that  we do not know the real cause for growth . Because of the life threatening nature of growth  we destroy the growth ,(the sign of life)- to get cured from cancer. There is a strong possibility that this growth is aimed at multiplication of the organism . But due to some developmental error  and lack of required genes this does not happen (atavistic defect) . If we can transform growth , wonders can happen. Details in Why cancer? ISBN:9781370190973.


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About the book - Eye Doctor Out Of The Box.

The book eye doctor out of the box from  Ittyerah Tholath
Mixing imagination with knowledge shall enhance both
Is there a better alternative to longevity.
 Is there a living organism which can escape from  death
 Is there a better  alternative to destruction of cancer cells?
 Answers in "Eye doctor out of the box" e book ISBN 9781301878284.

Rose flower is a failed attempt for sexual reproduction. Do humans have failed attempts for reproduction?

Reproduction is a very important function of an organism. Living organisms have different methods for reproduction, broadly classified as sexual and asexual reproduction. In certain organisms  both sexual and asexual reproduction are working and effective , while in some other organism one method of reproduction is working while the other method is present but not effective.( Rose plant). We all know that humans have sexual reproduction  but fertility rate is reducing day by day due to various reasons. Do humans have a non effective asexual reproductive process? Eye doctor out of the box says yes!

  Why should  growth, a sign of life kill humans?It is reported that a new drug combination ABVD not only suppressed  cancer growth ( asexual reproduction) but also enhanced ovum production in women (Journal of human reproduction). Besides this  recent publications in Preventive medicine  states that cancer risk increases with mental tension in young men and BMJ states cancer risk increases with depressed state of the mind. In both situation sexual reproduction reduces considerably, as in old age  resulting in compensatory increase in  asexual reproduction. Growth is either for repair or for  increase in size. Other reason for growth could be only for reproduction.  Details of the links between cancer and reproduction is available in Why cancer?ISBN: 9781370190973. 

All my e books can be down loaded free of cost from during the end of the year sale starting from 25th December to 1 st January 2020!

Interview with Dr. Ittyerah Tholath can be viewed at https;//
The Immortality series consists of Eye doctor out of the box & Why cancer?


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